Partnering with us for Educational Material is Hero-in-My-Hood:
“Empathy leads to Compassion”
“Pit Bull educational material now in Sepedi –
Imagine receiving your primary education in a second language: so much information is lost when children are not taught in their your mother tongue.
Hero aims to be as inclusive as possible, which is why much of our humane educational material is available in SEVEN South African languages. Hopefully we can add yet another, Tshivenda, by year end.
The Pit Bull Federation of SA approached us for some educational material for a up-coming educational event in Gauteng. The children at the host school speak predominately isiZulu and Sepedi. Our Pit Bull brochure and poster had been translated into Afrikaans, isiXhosa, Sesotho and isiZulu. Luckily, we managed to get a Sepedi translation done, and made it to the printer, and the event, in record time!”
We have also had the Five Freedoms, Animals have feelings, and Lucky’s pet care posters translated into Sepedi. These will be up on our website soon.”
THANK YOU! & A big shout out to Hero-in-My-Hood for this educational material!!

If you want to get involved with these PBFSA EDUCATIONAL OUTREACHES contact us!
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